The Foal 1 – 2 – 3…
- … within 1 hour – standing: the foal should be up and standing, making its first steps and searching for the mare’s udder.
- … within 2 hours – nursing: by now the foal should have found the udder, and had its first, life important meal of colostrum.
- … within 3 hours – placenta: the mare should have passed the placenta. When it has been passed, keep it aside, so your veterinarian can check it.
- … within 4 hours – urine & manure: the foal should urinate and pass the meconium (first manure).
A normal acting foal is bright and alert when it is up, sleeps a lot, and nurses frequently (every hour).
After your foal is standing and walking around it is recommended to dip or spray its navel with diluted chlorhexidine or iodine solution. Repeat this treatment twice daily for the first few days to reduce the risk of infection.
We highly recommend having your new born foal and your mare examined by a veterinarian on their first day together to assure their wellbeing – early detection of problems can be lifesaving. Your veterinarian will check the mare’s placenta and do a thorough neonatal examination on the foal including an IgG test. The IgG test will give information about the immune status of your foal, indicating whether medical treatment is required.
Most mares foal overnight. Give us a call in the morning to let us know your mare has foaled, and we will be happy to give you further advice.
If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call – day or night.
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